All publications can be ordered from MDC Evaluations.
Fact Sheets
Short bullet point information notes on the major aspects of genetic evaluations.
Technical Bulletin (Revised November 2003)
This book provides a detailed explanation of every aspect of the genetic evaluation system for dairy bulls and cows in the United Kingdom. This book is aimed at College Lecturers and Students and anyone who would like to know more about the technical side of the evaluation system. The book can be viewed and printed using Adobe Acrobat.
Statistics Book (Revised November 2003)
The complete Statistics Book is available on-line in .pdf format. Alternatively, it can be ordered from MDC Evaluations. The book contains all up to date statistics of genetic evaluations for dairy breeds in the UK.
Click on the relevant breed picture along the side of this page for the most up-to-date statistics for that breed.
Breed Books
Not availabe on-line but can be ordered from MDC Evaluations.
Latest statistics and results for all the major dairy breeds are updated four times a year. | Holstein / Friesian | |
Ayrshire | ||
Shorthorn | ||
Jersey | ||
Guernsey / Guernsey Island | ||
Jersey Island |
Genetic and Phenotypic Trends in the United Kingdom Dairy Herd (July 2000).
Contains up to date information on genetic and phenotypic trends in the UK for production PTAs as well as somatic cell counts and lifespan PTAs.
International Evaluations – Current and Future Developments (January 2001)
Scientific Papers
Genetic Parameters and Evaluations for Somatic Cell Counts and its relationship with production and type traits in some dairy breeds in the United Kingdom.
Genetic progress for Production plus Health, Welfare and Profit.
Simplified equations for evaluations of bulls in the Interbull international evaluation system. Abstract only:
Genetic parameters for locomotion and composite type traits for the Jersey and Guernsey dairy breeds in the United Kingdom. Online